Tuesday 14 February 2012

Build it and they will come...

Tuesday turned out to be a cracking good club day, the busiest mid-week day we've seen this winter. When Phil B pitched up at mid-day he thought it must be a Saturday!
Passing Edgehill on the way out to the Water Tower
Jane J was the first to arrive and she and Robin set up the winch whilst Bob K and I set about unpacking the hangar with the help of Peter and Henry from Haddenham.

Jane then drove the winch for much of the day before getting in Q5, once Mick had finished with the Discus. Colin and Bruno completed the paperwork on DVX, then Bruno and Graham P completing the test flights and Graham's AFR. Graham then instructed in DVX with Martin J and  Henry.

Lucy Looks Out

The ridge was a bit "soft" to start with, but it picked up well after lunch and the last couple of hours were ballistic with easy trips all the way down to The Water Tower at the far end. I even managed some "ridge-running" with Peter B on my last flight and in all I completed 9 flights for AFR and ridge training, including an excellent 20 min ridge flight with Lucy followed by an excellent short field landing in the Club House Field with only a bit of verbal coaching from me.

It's a long way back!

Bob K set a personal soaring record on the ridge with me on the first flight of the day, then improved on that later this afternoon on his second flight. Others out included Christian, DaveL-M plus Alan and Trish flying their DG300, with Trish getting the longest flight of the day! It was also great to see Don Puttock who popped in to drop off his motor-glider.