Saturday 2 July 2011

Another 5-Hour day!!!

Rowan was DI with Bruno assisting and Phil B as BI with Dave H starting off the tugging, then Mike C checking out John D for towing in the Robin. A couple of guests from Bicester, Rocky and James, brought their ASW 19 up to Shenington to escape the Std Nats Comp. 

Graham P did over 440km with an East-West task in his Lak 19 whilst John W and Al C  flew the Duo.

Several others also also went soaring including Mary and I in the K13. 

Star of the day was Paul M who, inspired by Bruno, got away off the wire in the Ka8 and achieved his Silver Duration.  Well done Paul.

Special thanks must go to Bob P who ran the airfield as LPC all day but decided not to fly  and Roddy who washed down the K13s on his own at the end of play.