Saturday 12 March 2011

Big Wings Go Soaring

It was a steady morning at the launchpoint with several club members opting to do some club chores before flying. The afternoon was much busier with several high performance private machines coming out to play to make the most of the weak soaring conditions that eventuallty developed after lunch including Dave S in his Nimbus 3, John L-C in his DG, and Graham P in his Lak. Rowan ran the day with Paul F assisting. Martyn Wells was out for currency Cx and I completed his AFR, which inevitably involved some soaring! Others out included Eric, Andy L, Lucy, Mary, Robin, Bruno, Derrick S, Gary (tugging in the Robin), Tim & John D, Clive, Dave H and a visitor, Jamie, from Snitterfield who completed his XC Endorsement flying in the SLMG with Lee this morning, and later converted to the Astir. The Hoy brothers were also out to play in the Chipmunk.